July is such an exciting month. Read to Death was released on July 5th and is, at least as I post this, on sale at a reduced price for the paperback. Then my birthday was July 8th and I had the pleasure of celebrating with all my children and grandchildren. What a terrific week.
Now I’d like to share links to reviews and giveaways that are all over the internet. Click through to read a review. In many places you may find author interviews and can also find out how to win a book, or, in some cases a tee shirt.
Cinnamon, Sugar and a Little Bit of Murder
And the good news is: these sites are only some of the places where you can learn about Read to Death and participate in a giveaway. I will be posting a new list at the end of the week! Keep an eye out!
I will just have to find more time to be on the computer to enter some of these contests. I try to read all of the ones I can, but have been having a full doctor and dental schedule plus have our beautiful grandkids a lot too, making time online very scarce. Much luck with all of your latest endeavors and your releases. Your writing is sensational. Thank you.
Cynthia B
Dear Cynthia, My goodness, we live similar lives: doctors, dentist, fabulous grandkids. That is exactly why I decided to put a pack of links together so busy people could keep this page open and travel from here. Thanks so much for your sweet and kind words about the Read ‘Em and Eat books. I so appreciate the support and good wishes. xoxo Terrie
Sounds like so much fun!!!
Hi Brenda,
Blog tours and giveaways are just about the most fun a writer can have. I hope they are just as much fun for readers. I will soon put up the second list of tour sites. I hope you will come along. Terrie
Love this Terrie thanks for the links.
Thanks Kim, I appreciate knowing you find this useful. There is another post just above with more links.
This sounds like a great read. It is on my wish list for sure.
Great luck in the giveaways.