I am beyond delighted to introduce my new writing partner, JESSICA FLETCHER. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of the late, greatly missed Don Bain. I will pick up the MURDER SHE WROTE book series from the wonderfully talented Jon Land. Jon’s latest book with Jessica will be released in November and my first book will be on shelves next spring. That earthquake you feel beneath your feet is me, jumping for joy.
That’s wonderful!
How exciting!! I have gotten into these books in the last year (I’m a fan of the show) and I LOVE to picture Angela Lansbury’s voice while reading them. I’m so curious how one prepares to take over a long running book series like this. Did you binge watch lots of episodes of the show?
Excited you will be writing the Murder She Wrote books. Looks like a great fit.
I have read all of your Read’em and Eat series…hoping there are more of those in the future too.
I sent emails to you. Took 3 entries. Liked the ideas of Jon Land but not how he did not research the past books or tv series. He messed up the characters of Sherriff Mort who is never the “Barney Fife” type. Also messed up when Jessica learned to fly (see the Alaska book). Also the romance with the Scottish Detective mentioned in over 10 books was left hanging. I was so frustrated the last book I read (50th of the series) was going to be the last and giving up on the series. Now I think with you, I may continue. PLEASE do the research on the story history lines and characters. When we read, we hear the actor’s voices and see their faces. I’ve had many hours in restaurants reading to get that mental “box of chocolates” needed. Only to be depressed when the box (book) is empty and needing another one. There is new hope now…. Feel free to contact me if desired. Nathan Marcantel
Was waiting to see if anyone would say this. I know it is not nice to go to authors’ web sites just to attack, and I am not suggesting Mr. Land lacks writing talent, but I agree he failed to be consistent with Bain, to the point that it seems like he didn’t read the Bain books. I know some of his changes – like bringing back Adele as Mrs. Metzger and bringing in Harry McGraw – were meant to “correct” some ways Bain didn’t follow the TV show. But the “voices” of Jessica, Seth, Sutherland, etc do not sound in Land’s books like either the TV series or Bain’s. In particular, I liked Bain’s Jessica because I thought she seemed very content, confident, and socially suave – Land made me feel she was awkward and troubled.
Since Gin and Daggers was published in 1999 or 2000, it feels to me like Bain’s books take place after all of the cases from the TV show, which is why people we see in the books can be “old friends” but someone like Sutherland is new – she meets him after all of the TV show cases.
The first version of gin and daggers was published in 1989 but was filled with errors that Donald corrected them and republished in 2000. There were books starting to be published in 1994 onwards
I had to re-read a few times to realize that there is progression in the relationship with the Scottish inspector. Early on, Jessica tells people they are just friends, and says things in narration like “We don’t know each other well enough to have fallen in love” (which is something you don’t see very often in book romances). But in, I think, Highland Fling, he does say he’s in love with her, and sends a note that strongly indicates it in Coffee, Tea, or Murder, and although Death of a Blueblood is probably the book with the most awkwardness, between them, or disagreement about a case, it also has them acting much like a couple, and Jessica recognizing that she is as in love with him as she has been with anyone since Frank (even if she says it more to us than to him.)
You are the GREATEST! To be (or co-be) Jessica Fletcher is so super-awesome and you are exactly the kind of dedicated and talented writer to add even more luster to the tradition of her wonderful co-authors!
I read the Bain books before I’d ever seen the TV shows – and I really liked her in the Bain books – she seemed so, well, mature. Then I watched the TV show and almost like that Jessica better.
I have to say I love this technique of making the authors co-authors with Jessica! There is a convention among Sherlock Holmes fans known as “the Game,” which basically means studying Holmes and Watson as historical figures instead of literary characters. I think something like that goes on among Jessica Fletcher’s fans, too.
I know Mr. Bain passed away. I have to wonder if the reason why someone is taking over the series from Land is because he didn’t get, well, such a great reception.
A lot of mysteries where two people are in a sort-of relationship have a lot of angst and awkwardness – to the point that they don’t really like spending time together. I liked that Jessica and Inspector Sutherland have a greater maturity and comfort level than that – they seemed comfortable and able to talk even if they can’t figure out how to be together more.
To be honest, l feel like a serious relationship would be a bit of an encumbrance on Jessica’s lifestyle, and she probably realizes that, and it’s part of what’s holding her back – even though I like Sutherland’s old-fashioned, romantic pursuit of her…those roses and that note in Coffee, Tea, or Murder!) In A Date with Murder, it frustrated me that the case centered on dating and Jessica just talked about how she wasn’t comfortable with it…and there was NO mention of Sutherland…it didn’t sound like Jessica’s voice at all! And I couldn’t see the character as Bain wrote him pulling the deception in Murder in Red (even though it was probably a good thing to do from the standpoint of solving the case.) I really hoped Land wasn’t planning to go in the direction of the other mysteries I mentioned – with problems, angst, or awkwardness developing between the two of them.
I like the dynamic with George Sutherland, but I also liked that, in Bain’s series, Jessica seemed to be genuinely fine with being unattached. A lot of females in suspense works who say don’t seem to mean it, or at least don’t stick to it. But I also loved that Jessica balanced that with being (it seemed to me) very comfortable in all sorts of social situations, which included flirting with men…and so many of them seem to fall for her. (And I think Land kind of messed with this, by making her sound different and feel differently about things.)
Wonderful. Mt whole family reads the series. Loved Donald Bain and Jon Land. Love Jon Land’s Caitlin Strong series as well. Welcome to the series. Looking forward to the Coi Pond. Pre-ordered it. I WOUD LIKE TO SEE THE SERIES PROMOTED MORE. Front of the store at Barnes and Noble? Book signing? Promotion with a book signing in a library, together with your other books. A s soon as these things are possible again. I think with Jon Land, editing would have been more help on the history of the characters and some medical terms. But we loved the stories in any form. It’s easy to hear the voices and visualize the characters in your mind.
Woot, woot! Can’t wait to see what Terrie and Jessica can do together! I lost interest in the series when Jessica and her pals starting acting and talking out of character from the Bain series. Now, I’m looking forward to “reconnecting with old friends.”
Wonderful, it can only get better now! Jon Land ruined this great book series…. Please, dear Terrie Farley Moran—watch the entire TV series (all 264 episodes + 4 TV movies), read each of Donald Bains first 43 »Murder, She Wrote« novels, forget Jon Land’s novels, and write your »Murder, She Wrote« novels without ruining the »Murder, She Wrote« universe (like Jon Land unfortunately did)! I’ll really look forward to read your »Murder, She Wrote« novels! 🙂
So, today is the day. Murder, She Wrote Killing in a Koi Pond is out in the world. I hope you all enjoy it! Terrie
I’m so happy that you and Jessica Fletcher have begun with such an outstanding book. Read the Koi pond in one day and loved the setting. Because my health didn’t allow me to travel before Covid and it’s now impossible to travel, I love reading about other parts of the country and world.
Blessings from San Diego.
I’m italian. When will your translated book arrive in Italy? I’m impatient and I’m very happy that Jessica’s series continues!!! With my compliments,
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So happy to see you will be writing these books. Keep them coming.