I belong to two book clubs (one online and one in person) and both moderators are really good at preparing questions before the meetings so that we always have discussion points. I decided to provide some questions for clubs who are reading Well Read, Then Dead. Feel free to use them or to add your own.
Which character would you most like to have lunch with in the Read ’Em and Eat Café and Bookstore? And what would you order from the bookish menu?
There is a romance in the story that is both unusual and unexpected. Do you think it added to the overall story and to your understanding of some of the older characters?
Did the relationship between the book club members seem authentic?
Did any book club member remind you of someone you’ve met in any book club?
Did you find the history of southwest Florida that was woven into the story made the story more complicated or more enjoyable? A little of each?
If you got the chance to ask the author of this book one question, what would it be?
When a book is set in an existing place like Fort Myers Beach, do you think it is important for the author to stay true to the real life setting?